Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hitler and the false lure of more is better

Nazi Germany's economy was not a central planning success, it was a disaster. Is there a lesson for today?

By Bill Bonner,?Guest blogger / August 25, 2012

A representation of Adolf Hitler lies in a box after police searched the house of an alleged neo-Nazi in Juelich, western Germany, on Thursday. Germany's Nazi economy holds some lessons for today.

Michael Klarmann/dapd/AP


Economists cannot know what is ?better.? They can only know what is ?more.? They have numbers. They can count. They can add up ?more?. As for ?better,? they have no idea. So, in their little minds, more is better.

Skip to next paragraph Bill Bonner

Bill has written two New York Times best-selling books, Financial Reckoning Day and Empire of Debt. With political journalist Lila Rajiva, he wrote his third New York Times best-selling book, Mobs, Messiahs and Markets, which offers concrete advice on how to avoid the public spectacle of modern finance. Since 1999, Bill has been a daily contributor and the driving force behind The Daily Reckoning (

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That is the thinking that has driven the profession?and much of the world economy?to absurdity. Throughout the last 50 years, more looked so much like better, no one worried too much about the difference. More cars. More houses. More food. More gadgets. What was not to like?

But the cost was more debt. And by the 21st century the burden of debt had become so great that the system could no longer move forward. Here is how it worked, up until the early spring of 2007:

The Chinese, and others, made more stuff. The Arabs, and others, pumped more oil.

Americans, and others, created more credit and used the money to buy more stuff.

Rather than demand payment ? in gold ? for their excess dollars, as they would have before 1971, the exporters took the money and lent it back to the Americans. In this way, the US never really had to settle up. Approximately $8 trillion of purchasing power ? the accumulated trade deficits between 1970 and 2007 ? was created in this way. There is supposed to be ?no such thing as a free lunch? in economics. But for years Americans ate breakfast, lunch, and many of their dinners too at foreigners? expense.

Not needing to redeem the old credits, new ones were made available to Americans. Cheap credit drove up housing prices?and gave them the collateral to borrow more money and buy more stuff.

But when subprime mortgage market collapsed in ?07-?08, suddenly, US real estate prices stopped rising. This left millions of households in a bind. They could no longer borrow against rising house prices because housing was going down. They had to cut back on spending?which meant less stuff could be sold to them?and it left producers with bulging warehouses with unsold goods.

Economists looked at this situation, after the crash of subprime mortgages in ?07 and ?08, and came to the same conclusion they had on the occasion of every other slowdown over the previous 60 years. The economy needed more ?stimulus? to encourage consumers to buy more stuff. They did not notice that consumers already had too much stuff?and that they were now paying the price for buying more stuff than they could afford. Nor did they wonder whether consumers? lives might be better if they focused more on quality and less on quantity. ?More? is all they know; it is all they can do. So they called for ?more stimulus,? more debt, more credit, more spending, and more stuff.

But more is not always the right answer. There are times when less is better.

One of those times was in the mid-1930s?when Germany faced a critical decision. More? Or less?

Adam Tooze, a British historian, has written a marvelous book on the Nazi economy,?The Wages of Destruction. He shows that, far from illustrating the success of intelligent central planning, the German economy of the Third Reich was a disaster. The National Socialists ? or ?Nazis? ? had their plans for Germany. They were determined to put them into practice, regardless of what the Germans may have wanted for themselves. They fiddled with one sector after another. When one fix failed to produce the desired results, actually bringing unintended and undesired consequences, they tried to fix the fix with a new fix. Most of these fixes involved spending money ? if not on actual output, then on bureaucracies that regulated output. And most of them were directed towards a goal that only a demagogue politician or a lame economist would find attractive ? making Germany self-sufficient. Imports cost money, they reasoned. Besides, trade forced a nation to behave. Neither was attractive to the Nazis.

Like America in the 2000s, by the mid-1930s Germany had already spent too much money ? with the military as its biggest single expense. It faced enemies much more real and dangerous than America?s ?terrorist? adversaries. And under Adolph Hitler?s leadership it had decided to invest heavily in armaments. This created a sense of purpose for many people and a source of ?demand? that got people working again. Germany was still a relatively poor country, with a standard of living only about half the US equivalent. An autoworker in Munich, for example, could not expect anywhere near the same lifestyle as one in Detroit. Henry Ford paid his workers so well they were able to afford large houses with hot and cold running water and electricity. They could buy automobiles too?which gave a huge boost to America?s heavy industry. When war began, the US could fairly quickly convert its auto factories to production of jeeps, tanks and trucks. Germany could not.

In Germany, automobiles were still a luxury item. Few people owned them; certainly not the people who made them. Military orders made up for the lack of demand from the civilian population.

In this regard, many economists looked at Germany and labeled the rearmament program ? from an economic standpoint ? as a central planning success story. It ?put people back to work.? It ?got the economy moving again.? More stuff was being produced. ?More? worked! From all over Europe, people came to admire the revival in Germany. American Congressmen praised Hitler. So did many magazine editors and other leaders in France and Britain too.

Besides, compared to what was going on in Russia, Japan and Italy? Germany looked positively benign, if not a perfect role model. Stalin was purging or starving his enemies ? millions of them. Benito Mussolini had invaded Abyssinia and was busily massacring the locals. The Japanese were beginning their bloody war against the Chinese. Hitler may have sounded mad from time to time, and he may have murdered many of his rivals on the ?night of the long knives,? but now ? by 1935 ? he was beginning to sound reasonable, at least in comparison.


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Friday, August 24, 2012

INSTANTLY fix the US: How Obama/Romney could win instantly; Fix US debt overnight

INSTANTLY fix the US: How Obama/Romney could win instantly; Fix US debt overnight

Some simple math on how the richest 5% of Americans.....could instantly fix our national debt. And how Romney or Obama could capitalize on this fact.

The US set a record last year for total number of millionaires (U.S. Has Record Number of Millionaires - The Wealth Report - WSJ) at 3,100,000 (about 1% of the population). They had a combined wealth of about $11,000,000,000 (trillion).

US national debt is about 16 trillion. (U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time).

Now, if the top 1% of Americans, all millionaires with 11 trillion in total wealth, EACH dedicated 1,000,000 in ONE single contribution to the one year, overnight with one collective act, the top one percent of earners in this nation would cut the national debt by 20% instantly.

And what if we asked the top 5% to do the same, but a bit less for each step? Say the top 2-5% each contribute 500,000, or 250,000??? Thats about 15,000,000 people. If each of those top 5% gave 500,000.......thats another 7.5 trillion dollars.

Combined...thats over half the national debt GONE, instantly.

It would be voluntary. A massive collective effort. An epic act equal to World War 2. Literally SAVES our nation. Romney or Obama could call for this epic, unselfish act. Pass a bill that says once these brave, heroic private citizens reach that total voluntarily, the federal govt automatically kicks in spending cuts of equal proportion until this damn thing is balanced and the debt gone.

Some would be angered by this very notion.

- "It aint fair"
- "It aint my job to pay the debt"
- "Why me, why dont the bottom half pay??"

Well, like I said, this would be an effort economically that would equal the WW2 generations effort to save this country. Would we be up to it? What if after we asked the top 5%, we then asked the top 10% to pitch in another contribution? The top 6%-10%, abuot another 15 million people, could kick in 100K each. Thats another 1.5 trillion GONE from the debt!!!!

And what if...God help us.....we asked the top 10% to do this 2 years in a row. We looked to them as the true saviors of our nation, and they equalled the effort we put out in WW2 to save this nation. They could erase the debt in 2 years. Gone. Add in the Fed's agreed-upon cuts in spending.....and wow, what a potential miracle.

Any chance the top 1%, then top 5%, then top 10% of wealth earners in this nation would make the personal sacrifice to save this nation? Our military has been doing it for centuries. Our teachers, cops, firemen have been doing it to save our communties for centuries.

Now is the time that the financial and economic kings of our land COULD step up, and put forth this herculean effort to save this country.


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Monday, August 20, 2012

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

QNX Auto Blog: Am I crazy for talking to my car?

Earlier this afternoon, I participated in a connected car panel at SpeechTEK 2012, hosted by our friend Mazin Gilbert from AT&T. The other panelists included Greg Bielby of VoltDelta, Thomas Schalk of Agero, and Hakan Kostepen of Panasonic.

Even though Mazin did a fantastic job, not every panelist had a chance to answer every question. I was itching to answer some, so here are my responses to the questions that I didn't get to answer, or where I feel I could have provided a more complete response.

Have speech technologies matured to the point where they can be used robustly in the car? The general answer to this question from the panel was yes, but I think the real answer is a qualified yes. The technologies exist, but often aren't applied or may need auto-specific adaptations to handle in-cabin noise or other issues. Natural language recognition was an oft-stated driving technology, but a missing piece to the puzzle is hybrid recognition. I don't mean pushing recognition wholesale to the cloud, like Siri does. I mean a true split of the recognition effort, where each part does what it?s best at. Put the front half of acoustic processing in the vehicle to clean up the audio and convert the waveform to frequency-domain data, then send the data to the cloud-based server. The cloud server can then parse and interpret the data, and send back the result.

Hybrid speech rec solves three problems at once: better audio signals (the car can improve audio specific to the in-cabin environment), better cost (frequency data is far more compressed than raw audio, so you pay less for data transfer), and better responsiveness (hybrid rec gives the server time to start working on the response while it's coming in instead of waiting for the whole utterance to finish before starting).

Is driver distraction a major business driver, or is it the "Siri effect"? Currently, the car industry seems to use driver distraction as a reason to push a lot of features into speech. Many of those uses are gimmicky. Personally, I don't care if I can set my climate control system with voice ? why would I when I can simply turn a dial? I once had someone ask me about the feasibility of adding voice recognition commands for rolling down the windows. I asked him, "Yes, but wouldn't people just push the window button?"

We shouldn?t implement speech commands just because we can. They may have contributed to excitement in the early adopter crowd, but we're beyond that now. Mind you, there are some seriously useful ways to use voice. For instance, any time you need to pick from a huge number of choices, voice recognition is the natural way to go. Calling contacts ("Call Sarah Potter"), entering destinations ("Go to 3121 South Park Street"), or picking music ("Play Audioslave") are all much easier than using an HMI to enter the same information, and safer to boot. It just has to work consistently and accurately.

Will car makers see more speech moving to the cloud, or will it be a hybrid of cloud and embedded? I disagree with the majority of the panel on this one, and, I think, the majority of people in the industry. Most auto people believe a hybrid between embedded and cloud allows the best of both worlds ? good recognition and updatability when connected, and consistent reliability when not. My colleague Andrew Poliak also champions this view with a memorable catch phrase: Zombie Apocalypse. That is, you still want the system to work, albeit partially, when the infrastructure isn't available.

But if you ask me, everyone is missing the point ? theirs is a technology-centric point of view. Everyday customer acceptance of a particular technology is notoriously harsh: if it doesn't work well, it gets rejected out of hand. Good cloud solutions beat an embedded solution hands-down; they just need some improvements (see my hybrid bullet above). Once a customer experiences a good solution, they will become frustrated with one that performs poorly. In my opinion, it's better not to offer the service at all, than to try a graceful degradation of capability, because most customers won't understand or care. Spend the effort instead on making sure you always have an acceptable cloud connection ? either through multiple redundant mechanisms or a car-based powerful antenna ? and you'll be better off. Even when the car knows some data that the cloud doesn't (like a mobile's contact list or music selection), there's no need to handle that on the embedded side. The cloud recognition server is powerful enough to not require the data set a priori. And I think we can predict an eventual migration of phone data to cloud-based data (or cloud-synchronized data) that makes the car's knowledge either easily transferrable or less relevant.

Who makes money, and how, from voice-enabled agents or voice services? This was one of the best questions of the panel, because nobody really knows the exact model, but everybody agreed that customer tolerance is very low. The most likely candidate is ad-based revenue. This doesn't mean reading ads aloud to the driver, but rather, positively influencing search results for either active or temporary situation-based points of interest (POIs). Depending on how valuable the service is to the driver, there will still be an option for service-based payments and high-value apps.

Standards and building mobile apps ? will it come? You need standards if you want to build an app platform that will promote application creation and adoption. That's what we're doing with the QNX CAR 2 application platform ? creating a way for someone other than the car companies to join the ecosystem and to deploy their apps to the car in a controlled way. But don't forget, you need a standard way to deploy apps for the cloud half of the recognition, too.

To close, let me share two photos. One was taken outside the Marriott Marquis, the hotel hosting the conference just off of Times Square in NYC. The other is from our PR agency, Breakaway Communications. What do they have in common? Wooden water towers. Sorry, I couldn't help myself; I just love those things. They just look so quaint in a city full of glass and brick.


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When it comes to food, chimps only think of themselves

When it comes to food, chimps only think of themselves [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 15-Aug-2012
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Contact: Emma Mason
Queen Mary, University of London

A sense of fairness is an important part of human behaviour, yet a research team involving Queen Mary, University of London (UK) found it did not evolve from our closest living relatives.

The study, published in the journal Biology Letters today (15 August) tested whether our great ape relatives, the chimpanzees and bonobos, have a sense of fairness like humans.

The scientists, involving Professor Keith Jensen, from Queen Mary's School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, put the apes through a series of ultimatum games.

One against the other, they had to choose whether to steal or leave the other's grapes. The games were set up in a variety of different ways involving equal proportions of grapes and others were split with a higher proportion given to one over the other.

Professor Jensen explained: "In each scenario one ape had to choose whether to steal the grapes or leave a portion of grapes for the other. We found that consistently they would steal the food without taking into account whether their action would have an effect on their partner.

"Neither the chimpanzees nor bonobos seemed to care whether food was stolen or not, or whether the outcomes were fair or not, as long as they got something.

"Our findings support other studies of chimpanzees but also extend these to bonobos. Both apes have no concern for fairness or the effects that their choices may have on others; in stark contrast to the way humans behave.

"We can therefore conclude that our results indicate that our sense of fairness is a derived trait and may be unique to the human race.

"If fairness considerations are important for cooperative activities such as trading goods and services and sharing, the question then is, when did they evolve in our species? And if fairness is important only in humans, the question is why only in humans?"


'Theft is an ultimatum game' is published in the journal Biology Letters on 15 August 2012.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

When it comes to food, chimps only think of themselves [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 15-Aug-2012
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Contact: Emma Mason
Queen Mary, University of London

A sense of fairness is an important part of human behaviour, yet a research team involving Queen Mary, University of London (UK) found it did not evolve from our closest living relatives.

The study, published in the journal Biology Letters today (15 August) tested whether our great ape relatives, the chimpanzees and bonobos, have a sense of fairness like humans.

The scientists, involving Professor Keith Jensen, from Queen Mary's School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, put the apes through a series of ultimatum games.

One against the other, they had to choose whether to steal or leave the other's grapes. The games were set up in a variety of different ways involving equal proportions of grapes and others were split with a higher proportion given to one over the other.

Professor Jensen explained: "In each scenario one ape had to choose whether to steal the grapes or leave a portion of grapes for the other. We found that consistently they would steal the food without taking into account whether their action would have an effect on their partner.

"Neither the chimpanzees nor bonobos seemed to care whether food was stolen or not, or whether the outcomes were fair or not, as long as they got something.

"Our findings support other studies of chimpanzees but also extend these to bonobos. Both apes have no concern for fairness or the effects that their choices may have on others; in stark contrast to the way humans behave.

"We can therefore conclude that our results indicate that our sense of fairness is a derived trait and may be unique to the human race.

"If fairness considerations are important for cooperative activities such as trading goods and services and sharing, the question then is, when did they evolve in our species? And if fairness is important only in humans, the question is why only in humans?"


'Theft is an ultimatum game' is published in the journal Biology Letters on 15 August 2012.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Standard Chartered Bank settles Iran money laundering case with NY for $340M, pledges reforms

ALBANY, N.Y. - The state's financial regulator said Tuesday his agency has reached a $340 million settlement with Standard Chartered Bank to resolve an investigation into whether the British bank schemed with the Iranian government to launder $250 billion from 2001 to 2007.

The bank will pay the civil penalty to the state and will strengthen oversight of overseas transactions, state Department of Financial Services Superintendent Benjamin Lawsky said.

Standard Chartered spokeswoman Julie Gibson noted the New York announcement set out the terms of an agreement, including payment of $340 million, and a formal agreement with details is expected shortly.

Standard Charter will install for at least two years a monitor who will evaluate the money laundering risk controls of its New York branch and take corrective measures, Lawsky said. It also will permanently install personnel to oversee and audit offshore money laundering monitoring, the agency said, and agency examiners will be placed at the bank.

A department hearing on the issue scheduled for Wednesday in New York City has been adjourned. The date for the civil payment, which will go to the state's general fund, has not been set.

Federal Reserve spokeswoman Barbara Hagenbaugh said the Fed "continues to work with the other agencies on a comprehensive resolution."

The U.S. imposes financial sanctions on political enemies to hinder their access to the global financial system. The goal is to choke off banks and other sources of capital, limiting their economic growth and their ability to buy weapons, food and other items available through global trade. Sanctions ensure that U.S. banks don't get involved.

Several other non-U.S. banks with operations in the United States have settled sanctions cases with U.S. authorities in recent years. Dutch bank ING Bank NV agreed in June to pay $619 million to settle charges that it secretly moved billions of dollars through the U.S. financial system on behalf of Iranian and Cuban customers.

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance has been investigating Standard Chartered, with federal partners, for more than a year. His office declined to comment on the settlement.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the result showed the effectiveness of the state's recently formed Department of Financial Services, which combined banking and insurance regulation in one agency.

"This state and nation are still paying the price for a failed regulatory system, and that must not happen again," he said.

Standard Chartered Bank said Monday it "strongly rejects" and "contests" the New York regulators' portrayal of its transactions with Iranian banks.

Lawsky earlier had signed an order that required the London-based bank to answer his questions following an investigation into the practice of removing crucial identifiers in financial transactions, called wire stripping.

The state agency called the bank a rogue institution and quoted one of its executives as saying: "You (expletive) Americans. Who are you to tell us, the rest of the world, that we're not going to deal with Iranians."

The bank conspired with its Iranian clients to route nearly 60,000 U.S. dollar payments through its New York branch "after first stripping information from wire transfer messages used to identify sanctioned countries, individuals and entities," according to the agency's order.

The order said the transactions provided the bank with millions of dollars in fees when such trade was restricted. Lawsky said the scheme left the U.S. financial system "vulnerable to terrorists."

The bank statement said "well over 99.9 per cent" of the questioned transactions with Iran complied with all regulations and the few transactions that didn't amounted to $14 million. It said none of its Iranian payments was on behalf of any designated terrorist group.


Associated Press Business Writer Marcy Gordon in Washington, D.C., contributed to this report.


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an international business consulting analyzer will gain awareness ...

Organizations these days are becoming increasingly complex. As due to, worldwide companies and enterprises are presented with a fresh pair of challenges daily.

To assist them to continue to be cut-throat amid these adjustments, a lot of firms depend on experts in whose job it is to analyze an organizations construction, efficiency, or earnings.

Privately sector, a worldwide organization asking expert is actually termed as a administration advisor. Besides analyzing the challenge ridden business structure of your business, the professional will also recommend solutions to enhance these fragile places.

As an example, your small business could be modest but it?s rapidly growing and you need further instruction improving your ways of managing and managing assortments as well as expenditures. A major international business contacting analyst who may have knowledge of just over time inventory supervision will be the expert to employ.

What about if your small business is a sizable 1 and you are while developing a new split You might still need to engage a business talking to professional that will assist rearrange the business structure and get rid of copy or unnecessary work.

An international organization analyst might be operating separate from any operations contacting organization. And also administration contacting companies might assortment in dimensions from one professionals to large worldwide companies that serve a major international marketplace.

Some professionals may possibly are experts in distinct areas of market while others have a a lot more basic method. So you may find yourself hiring an analyzer which will deal with medical or telecommunications and another one who?ll be in charge of recruiting, marketing, logistics, or computer.

The Project Procedure

When an international company talking to professional is contracted because of their solutions, one thing she or he does is always to determine very first the nature and degree of the issue. This is the initial phase of an global organization consulting experts job where they are needed to assess relevant data, which include once-a-year earnings, employment, or expenses.

They could also need to appointment professionals and employees as well as observe the different procedures in the specific area of economic.

Soon after determining the issue, the global company consulting analyzer will likely then produce audio proposals and Logistics answers to handle the issue. To organize these alternatives, the intercontinental organization contacting professional considers the character of the business, its relationship with associates in the industry, as well as internal organization and construction. Frequently, a major international organization talking to expert will gain insight into the situation by building and resolving precise versions.

Soon after, the professional will report her or his conclusions as well as recommendations on the consumer. Normally, these tips are sent in in some recoverable format but a majority of worldwide organization talking to analysts may make common sales pitches, based on consumer personal preference.


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User:LunnRome38 - JRAkb

From JRAkb

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Your PROCESSOR, or even Central Running Device, is the brain with the laptop or computer. It could be purchased currently put in around the motherboard as well as you can purchase along with do the installation separately. In case you are taking into consideration the next improve, make sure that the particular motherboard are designed for a potent COMPUTER. Choose the RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY. Comply with your instructions that are included with the particular motherboard about what type of MEMORY to purchase. If possible, max away the actual RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY through buying as much as the actual motherboard are designed for.

Select the hard disk. Purchase the largest that one could manage. Buy your graphics credit card. This is exactly where you should invest the majority of your hard earned money. Obtain a credit card that could fit into the particular development slot on your motherboard, the PCI as well as AGP minute card. Purchase the best that you could pay for since this is the card that may dictate the actual artwork rendered on the monitor. Buy your current audio tracks card. Examine each user tips about the particular store web sites along with the documentation about the video games you would like to play. In case you perform games along with 3d images audio then you will want to go for a higher-end appear credit card able to getting together with this specific specs.


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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Register Your Child for School | WSD

Steps to register new students, including kindergarten, plus other registration options

Students must register at their "home" or neighborhood school, according to the attendance boundaries. Go to any school or WSD boundary maps for information on what your ?home? schools are, including elementary,?middle school?and high school, based on your address.

Wenatchee School District Boundaries:

If you need assistance determining which school your student will attend, please contact the Wenatchee School District transportation department at (509) 662-6168.

Most schools require the following to register:

  • Records of Immunizations ? students must meet state Immunization requirements. Bring proof of immunization from your family physician or a local health department. The parent or guardian then transfers this information to a certificate of immunization and signs the certificate to verify its accuracy.
  • Proof of Residency ? We need verification that you are a resident of the Wenatchee school District. Typically, a copy of a recent phone bill, PUD bill or lease agreement will suffice.
    • Homeless qualified students according to McKinney-Vento regulations - The school will not require proof of residency or any other information regarding an address for any student who is eligible by reason of age for the services of the district if the student does not have a legal residence.
  • Proof of ?Date of Birth? and ?Legal name? ? WSD Acceptable Documentation for Proof:
    • Birth Certificate
    • Current Drivers License
    • Certificate of Live Birth ? usually provided by a hospital
    • Proof from DSHS
    • Out of country Birth Certificates
    • A DMV Washington State Identification Card
    • A current Passport
  • Emergency card ? the parent or guardian fills out this form during registration. Bring information such as the student's birth date, address and home phone, mother and father's employer and work phone numbers, name and phone number of emergency contacts other than parent/guardian (ideally this person or people will live near the student), student's doctor's name and phone number, names of any medications student takes and any medical condition student may have.
  • Consent for Exchange of Information (if applicable) ? if a student is transferring from another school, the parent or guardian must give their consent to transfer records from the student's previous school. It is helpful if the parent brings the name, address and phone number of the previous school.
  • Transcript or Academic History (if applicable) ? Students transferring from another school should bring academic records. The school may also ask if the student has been in any special programs in their previous school such as English Language Learner, special reading program, etc.


Some schools may have additional registration requirements. When enrolling a student who has attended school in another district, the parent and student will be required to briefly indicate in writing whether the student has:

  • Any history of placement in a special education program
  • Any past, current, or pending disciplinary actions,
  • Any history of violent behavior or convictions,
  • Adjudications or diversion agreements related to a violent offense, a sex offense, inhaling toxic fumes, a drug offense, a liquor violation, assault, kidnapping, harassment, stalking or arson,
  • Any unpaid fines or fess from other schools,
  • Any health conditions affecting the student?s educational needs.


For further information, call the school directly. Some schools, particularly high schools, require that parents or students phone ahead for an appointment to register.


Variance & Transfer Information ? ?Choice?

Students who live in the district?Students who live within the district can apply for a choice to another school, if there is space available at that other school. Students from all areas of the district can apply to attend a ?Choice? school.

Students who live outside the district?If a student lives outside the district, they may attend Wenatchee School District schools, however, an inter-district transfer application (also known as between district) is required and, again, space must be available. A student living in Wenatchee School District may also attend a different public school district if space is available there. Both types of transfer require transfer forms. For more information on transfers between districts, contact the Wenatchee School District at (509) 663-8161.

Home-Based Instruction

Declaration of Intent to Provide Home-Based Instruction Must Be Filed Annually?If you are a family who intends to provide your child or children home-based instruction in lieu of attendance or enrollment in a public school, an approved private school, or an extension program of an approved private school, you must file an annual declaration of intent to do so. The Declaration of Intent to Provide Home School form can be obtained at our school district?s main office 235 Sunset Avenue, Wenatchee Washington, 98801. Phone 663-8161.


Register Early for Kindergarten

If your child will be five years old on or before August 31, register him or her for kindergarten at your neighborhood elementary school.


To be admitted to a kindergarten program which commences in the fall of the year a child must be not less than (5) five years of age prior to September 1 of that school year.


Kindergarten registration takes place at your neighborhood elementary school.?Registration continues through the beginning of the school year in September, but we encourage you to register as early as possible.


To register your child, please bring the following items to your neighborhood elementary school:

  • Proof of child's birth date such as a birth certificate or passport
  • Child's health history, including current immunization
  • Emergency contact information


Your elementary school will provide the necessary kindergarten registration forms. They are not available online.


Kindergarten Early Entrance Instructions

Early entrance for children younger than five years old on August 31


Children younger than five may qualify to enter kindergarten early?Some students do not meet the state age guidelines for kindergarten but they may still be highly capable and ready for school. The Kindergarten Early Entrance process uses a formal and informal assessment to determine if your child meets or exceeds specific criteria in the areas of mental ability, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, auditory discrimination, visual discrimination, and emotional/social development. Parents who are interested in this option for their child should contact the school district at (509) 663-8161 and speech to our Enrichment coordinator.


















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Sticking to a frugal policy pays off for businesses ? Business ...

tighten work budget?If only I had a bigger budget (for my department or my company), all my problems would disappear.?

You?ve likely had a similar thought at some point. But is it true?

Great companies, and leaders, excel at finding a frugal path when solving problems. They resist the urge to throw more money at challenges and instead do more with less.

For example, IKEA?s leadership is determined to avoid spending unless they have to. The concept, called ?lista,? comes from the Swedish word for ?cunning.?

You could see lista in action when IKEA launched its ?nine in eight? effort, in which nine stores in North America were designed, engineered and fully operational in just eight months. In the history of IKEA, it had never been done.

Sticking to its frugal philosophy, the company only used in-house resources?no extra consultants or project managers. A staff that had historically opened one store every few years added 3 million square feet of new stores.

Some leaders make frugality a cornerstone of their business. Herb and Marion Sandler, founders of World Savings, sparked innovation within their business by constantly asking, ?What?s the good business reason for spending this money??

Partially as a result of that question, the business ran with half the ?employees of the competition, with each staffer generating 40% more revenue than the industry average.

What?s your story of meeting a huge challenge with meager resources?

? Adapted from The Reinventors: How Extraordinary Companies Pursue Radical Continuous Change, Jason Jennings.

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Should You Adopt if You're Afraid | Creating a Family

?Hello Dawn, Thank you for being such a great source of information on the adoption process. My husband and I are considering adopting an older sibling pair through foster care. We both feel a strong pull towards children, but neither of us feel a drive to have bio children. While I feel drawn to adoption and excited about creating our family, I?m also worried. For every blog written by challenged-but-happy adoptive parents, there?s another story detailing a family?s heartbreak. So here?s my question: If I?m terrified by the idea that my adoptive children could end up in a treatment facility (despite all best efforts), should I stop considering older child adoption? I know this is a tough question, and I appreciate your thoughts. Also, please let me know of any resources you would recommend that deal with this subject.?

Fear is such a paradox: It can keep you alive, but also keep you from living. Take my fear of heights. I?m sure it has probably protected me by keeping me well away from bungee jumping, skydiving, and skyscraper window washing, but it has also kept me away from Angels Landing in Zion National Park, rated one of the top 10 hikes in the US. I first fell in love with Zion when Peter and I traveled/camped through the US for 6 months PK (pre-kids). Angels Landing is ?one of the most famous and thrilling hikes in the US national park system?, and is undisputedly Zion?s pride and joy. The park system description, however, is enough to make me run the other way.

The Angels Landing trail runs along a narrow rock fin with dizzying drop-offs on both sides. The trail culminates at a lofty perch, boasting magnificent views in every direction. Rarely is such an intimidating path so frequented by hikers. One would think that this narrow ridge with deep chasms on each of its flanks would allure only the most intrepid of hikers. ? The last half-mile is across a narrow sandstone ridge above a 1500 foot cliff to the valley floor, with ?anchored support chains attached along some sections of the sheer fin.

I really want to be the type of person who hikes a ?thrilling?, ?dizzying?, and ?intimidating? trail. Instead, I?m a person who quakes at the very thought of standing on a narrow ridge with a 1500 foot drop within inches of my foot regardless of the presence of chains. Deciding to become the person I want to be rather than the person I am, I headed off on that first visit to conquer my fears. I never even got to the narrow ridge with chains part of the trail. I was stymied at the very beginning by having to cross a narrow[ish] (probably 4 foot wide) rock bridge. In my terror at the narrow ridge with chains, I totally overlooked the description of this part of the trail: ?The tail begins with a half-mile hike along a narrow sandstone isthmus with sheer cliffs on both sides. The narrow and arduous trail drops 1200? on one side and 800? on the other.? I literally could not make myself cross that bridge. Not that time, nor on my other three trips to Zion over the years.

Several years ago, Peter surprised me with a birthday trip to Zion. It was in October, which is peak season and the place was packed. It seemed that everyone was hiking Angels Landing?and not just the young mountain climbing type of folks either. The first day I got to the rock bridge (and don?t forget about the sheer drops on either side) and again, just couldn?t make myself do it. That afternoon, I talked with a park ranger and asked for help putting the danger into perspective. He told me that hundreds of people hiked that trail every day without incident.? That evening I did some soul searching trying to weigh my fear with my wanting to hike that trail to the beautiful vistas at the end, and probably more important, with my desire to be the type of person who lives life to the fullest.

The next day when I got to the rock bridge, I screwed up every bit of courage I had, sat down on my butt, and slowly inched my way across, not looking down and praying like crazy. There was a line of people on either side of the half mile bridge staring and waiting for me to scooch across. It was more than a little embarrassing, but it was the only way I could do it.

After the rock bridge I made my way to the narrow ridge with chains. Since my butt was bigger than most parts of the ridge, scooching along was out of the question. Besides, my death grip on the chains precluded anything but walking. At one point a man, no doubt trying to be helpful, pointed out that by holding onto the chains so tight I was throwing my balance off. He suggested that I could go faster and be safer if I ?just walked more natural?. It was only my knowledge that I was likely going to die on that hike and meet my Maker at the pearly gates that very day that kept me from telling him exactly where and how he could shove his suggestion. The views at the top,

Me sitting at the top. No way could I stand!

when I finally made it, were spectacular?almost worth the hike.


That?s the way it is with fear, and it?s darn hard to tell when it changes from wise protection to limiting interference. Almost everyone is afraid before they adopt. I was afraid. Bringing a child into your family is life altering and worthy of caution. It really doesn?t matter how that child joins your family, but because adoption is less common than giving birth and because there are more unknowns, it feels scarier. And let?s face it, adopting an older child from foster care has even more unknowns.

Children land in foster care almost always because of abuse and neglect. They carry the scars. Sometimes these scars are massive, and often they are something that they learn to live with. Any child can end up in a treatment facility, but kids from hard places are probably more likely to need the help of these type of facilities more than kids who have been spared the abuse and neglect that are inherent with entering foster care. But while the odds may be greater, they still aren?t that high.

When trying to decide whether to listen or disregard fear, whether it?s hiking Angels Landing or adopting, I use a two-step process. First, I get educated (talk with the Park Ranger/fellow hikers or read everything I can find on adoption, join support groups, and talk with other adoptive parents). Second, I listen to my gut: are the possible rewards worth the possible risk.

We can help with the first step?education. I?m glad you?ve joined the Creating a Family Facebook Support group. You?ll find many other members who have adopted older kids from foster care. Creating a Family also has lots and lots of educational resources on foster care adoption, attachment, risks of adoption, and adopting the hurt child. After you have immersed yourself in all things adoption for a while, check in with your gut. Are you feeling more confident or more fearful? An educated gut is a good barometer (to mix my metaphors) of what is best for you.



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Monday, August 13, 2012

Various applications of body piercings

Various applications of body piercings
by levi amari
Send Feedback to levi amari
Request Reprint | Print | About Author | Report Problem | Tweet This Body piercing is said to be one of the latest trends which is followed nowadays among young people. For them, it symbolizes modernization and attraction. But body modification had been in existence right from the ancient period of civilization. In 500 BC piercings came into existence by Egyptians to show their pride and novelty. Piercings were said to be the symbol of respect and royalty of Egyptian rulers and commanders. Only they are allowed to wear those gold jewels whereas other slaves and common people were restricted to wear those jewels since it was considered to be the ruler's identification. From Egypt it was spread to other nations like Rome, Africa and so on. But each nation had used it for different reasons and specifications. In Rome wearing pierced body jewels were used among soldiers in battlefield. They used to wear it in their chest to show others that they are brave and strong. Even Caesar had used to do the same kind of wearing in order to combine his battle men. Americans used tongue piercing since the blood comes from it makes them go closer to god. Likewise these practices had been used for several reasons right from the ancient period.

Piercing is nothing but creating a body opening by cutting a part from which gold jewel can be worn into it. As generations passes, penetrating part got stretched or extended in which jewels of big size can be worn into it. These types of activities have been practiced for various reasons nowadays. Many used to wear pierced jewels to show the latest trend to other people. It's been used among various celebrities and sportsmen for fashion reasons. Some of them use it to display their character identity to others whereas some people use it for their traditional and spiritual purposes. However it also creates negative impact on people wearing this jewel which depends on type of piercing. Piercing at unusual parts make people think strange and thus creating negative thoughts.

The most common type of piercing is to get pierced in ears in which it is allowed as a usual code in schools, colleges and even in offices. Wearing jewels in various parts of ear like ear lobes, thick fleshy part are more common in showing tradition.Nowadays dresses have been stitched to show that specific part. This is considered as one of the latest trending activities which takes place right now.

There are some specific piercing types which displays cute self-expressions. Wearing gold jewels in lip, eyebrows and nose are most attractive type of penetrating. These are all the elegant way of showing the trends to people, which will be always accepted as the common practice. Hope the above said facts clearly describes about various piercings and guidelines.

Looking to know more about piercings? is considered to be one of the leading specialists in applying tattoos and body piercings. To know more about the services they offer kindly visit the website at

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Various applications of body piercings

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Ryan's Medicare plan would be tricky to pull off

Republican vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan R-Wis., reacts to audience applause during a campaign event at the Waukesha county expo center, Sunday, Aug. 12, 2012 in Waukesha, Wis. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Republican vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan R-Wis., reacts to audience applause during a campaign event at the Waukesha county expo center, Sunday, Aug. 12, 2012 in Waukesha, Wis. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

(AP) ? The idea behind Paul Ryan's Medicare plan is to slow growing costs and keep the program more affordable for the long haul.

But it's all in the details. The Republican-backed shift to private insurance plans could saddle future retirees with thousands of dollars a year in additional bills.

That would leave the children of the baby boom generation with far less protection from medical expenses than their parents and grandparents have had in retirement.

And there's another angle consumers need to look at: Medicaid.

The GOP vice presidential candidate has also proposed to sharply rein in that program and turn it over to the states. Usually thought of as part of the safety net for low-income people, Medicaid covers nursing home care for disabled elders from middle-class families as well.

Medicare and Medicaid cover about 100 million people between them, touching nearly every American family in some way.

Pulling no punches, President Barack Obama's campaign launched a new online video Monday attacking what it called the "Romney-Ryan" Medicare plan. It features anxious seniors and closes by accusing the Republicans of "ending Medicare as we know it" to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy.

Mindful of the risks, Romney is trying to put some distance between his agenda and the specifics of Ryan's budget proposals.

In an interview Sunday on CBS' "60 Minutes," Romney and Ryan both offered words meant to reassure the elderly.

America is about more choices, Romney said, and "that's how we make Medicare work down the road." He said the program won't change for seniors currently counting on it. Ryan pitched in that his mother is a "Medicare senior in Florida."

During the Republican primary, Romney had called Ryan's budget a "bold and exciting effort" that was "very much needed" but held back from a full embrace.

In more general terms, Romney has spoken of providing "generous" but undetermined subsidies to help future retirees buy private insurance, or let them have the option of traditional Medicare. He's also endorsed a gradually increasing age to qualify for benefits.

Ryan, a conservative Wisconsin congressman and chairman of the House Budget Committee, calls his Medicare plan "premium support." Future retirees would get a fixed amount to use for health insurance. Democrats call it a voucher plan.

In theory, Ryan's plan could work, economists say. Instead of Medicare just paying all the medical bills that come in, the fixed government payment would limit how much taxpayer money flows into the program. That would force everyone, from individual retirees to the biggest hospitals, to watch costs.

Ryan has issued two versions of his plan with Democrats, showing it has some bipartisan appeal. But the versions passed by the House have had a hard partisan edge.

The devil's in the details. And there are lots of them that have yet to be ironed out.

"From the standpoint of public understanding, the Romney-Ryan ticket has a hill to climb," said health economist Joe Antos of the business-oriented American Enterprise Institute. "I think they can do it, but it's going to require some explaining. I think there are a lot of independents who are going to be nervous."

The political sensitivities are clear. Polls find that Americans lean heavily on Medicare to help keep them secure after retirement and are suspicious of proposed alternatives, such as Ryan's. Surveys also give Democrats an edge over Republicans when people are asked which party people most trust to handle Medicare. Democrats held a 48 percent-39 percent advantage on that issue in a June 2011 AP-GfK poll.

"This puts Medicare in play as a central issue in the campaign," said John Rother, president of the National Coalition on Health Care, a nonpartisan group representing a broad swath of players in the health care system.

For the most part, Ryan's plan would not directly affect people now in Medicare. One exception: In repealing Obama's health care law, Ryan would re-open the Medicare prescription coverage gap called the doughnut hole.

Under his plan, people now 54 and younger would go into a very different sort of Medicare. Upon becoming eligible, they would receive a government payment that they could use to pick a private insurance plan or a government-run program like traditional Medicare. The payment would be indexed to account for inflation, and that could be a problem if health care costs race ahead of the inflation rate.

The private plans would be regulated by the government, and low-income people, as well as those with severe health problems, would get additional assistance. People who pick plans with relatively generous benefits would pay more out of their own pockets.

Ryan would also gradually raise the Medicare eligibility age from the current 65 to 67.

Backers say the result of his Medicare plan would be a more affordable and sustainable program, both for taxpayers and beneficiaries. Currently, Medicare's giant trust fund for inpatient care is projected to run out of money in 2024.

But critics see a massive cost shift to beneficiaries.

"The only way to drive real savings is to set a lid on the growth in the voucher," said Democratic economist Judy Feder. "That most likely means shifting costs to beneficiaries, not controlling costs."

In an analysis earlier this year, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said some of the effects of Ryan's plan "would of necessity be a great deal stronger" than current law, which includes Medicare cuts in Obama's health care law yet to take place.

Under the most likely current budget scenario, Medicare spending for the typical 66-year-old would rise to $9,600 in 2030, or about 75 percent more than now, the CBO projected.

But under Ryan's plan, spending would rise more slowly to $7,400, or about 35 percent more than current levels.

That difference would result in a cost shift of thousands of dollars to individual retirees, critics say.

Under the previous version of Ryan's plan, a typical 65-year-old retiree would have been responsible for about two-thirds of his or her health care costs in 2030, according to the budget office. That translates to a cost increase of $6,350 a year, says the Obama campaign.

Ryan's proposal for turning Medicaid into a block grant program for the states would also have far-reaching consequences. It sharply reduces the future size of the program relative to the overall economy, the CBO said.

Even if states can run Medicaid more efficiently, they'd still face the difficult choice between cutting the program or pouring more of their own money into it, the budget office said.

Associated Press


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U.S. Travel Applauds Airlines for Improved Performance | Timeshare ...

Posted by admin on August 13th, 2012

U.S. Travel Applauds Airlines for Improved Performance

Source: Owners Perspective Magazine

Statement by Roger Dow, president and CEO of the U.S. Travel Association, on today?s announcement by the Department of Transportation that airline industry performance has improved:

?Improved on-time performance for airlines is good news for business and leisure travelers, and we applaud the airlines for this accomplishment. But it?s just one step towards improving the overall air travel experience for the two million passengers who fly daily.

?With U.S. air travel volume forecasted to double in the next 20 years, we must continue to create a more efficient and secure screening process to ensure our current system is not overwhelmed. We can improve security and decrease the hassle factor of air travel by expanding enrollment in the Transportation Security Administration?s (TSA?s) PreCheck program, currently available at 19 airports and operational with five airlines.

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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Healthy food and juice to eat and drink when your on a diet ...

No juice. Juice is high in sugar and calories. You are much better off drinking 0 calorie drinks while on a diet such as water, tea, cofffee etc.
Juice just sucks up part of the calories you can consume during the day which makes a diet even harder to stick to.

As far as healthy foods, I don?t have the time nor the desire to sit here and list the tens of thousands of foods that are healthy. You can look that up yourself.



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Posted: Sun Aug 12

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Job Description

Location: London

Job Title: Graduate Sale Executive / Graduate Trainee


  • ?20,000 Basic salary Plus Bonus
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