Sunday, July 15, 2012

Chrome Experiments: Google Unleashes A World Of Data And Fun In Mobile Browsers

For the past three years, Google Creatve Labs has been pushing the bounds of JavaScript and producing and curating what they call ?Chrome Experiments? that use open web technologies like HTML5, Canvas, SVG, and WebGL. As the name suggests, they are also great advertisements for the capabilities of its own flagship browser. For anybody who still thinks that Flash is the only way to achieve ambitious interactivity on the web, these experiments will serve as a final notice to move on.

The Chrome Experiments site, subtitled, ?Not your mother?s JavaScript,? now features 472 web experiences, all of which are engaging, but, none (as far as I have seen) LOL funny (for that, see the web experiences curated by Greg Rutter).

Now, Google has pulled together nine of the experiments that are optimized for mobile browsers and launched a dedicated mobile site. One motivation for the timing of the launch is to point to the kinds of amazing things that you can do on Google?s new Nexus 7 tablet. Not all of the web standard features of desktop browsers are available on mobile yet, particularly WebGL, that powers the globe visualization at the top of the page. But given time and better video cards, everything you see on the desktop now, will be available on your smartphone or tablet soon.

Chrome Experiments are all user-submitted and selected by the team at Google, with the requirement that they be ?fun and fast in JavaScript.??The full roster runs a very wide gamut from games, to data visualization to just plain trippy fun. To see how sophisticated game play and storytelling have become using open web standards, have a look at The Indonesian Ramayana (see video below).

To see some of the older (but still impressive) Experiments in action, check out this video from Google I/O 2009. What was edgy then is now widely supported by most browsers. And, of course, during that time, Google?s Chrome as advanced to become the world?s most popular browser, from only 5.5% at the time of I/O 2009 to 41.7% now.

For more fun with JavaScript in your browser, have a look at D3: Data Driven Documents. I will take a deeper dive into both D3 and Chrome Experiments soon to curate my own list of interactive web experiences.

To make sure your browser can render the Chrome Experiments properly, take this Acid Test and make sure your score 100.

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